I love doing nail art and I'm always excited to experiment with different polishes and designs. I'm a newbie at this so my designs aren't exactly the best, but I just love experimenting!
Here is a zebra print nail design using OPI and Andrea Fulerton's nail boutique dot and flick pen. It was my first time using Andrea Fulerton's product and I gotta say, I love it! It was very easy to use. You also have the option of using the pen or the thin brush so you can really do a lot of different designs and patterns on your nails. Will definitely be getting more nail pens :)
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
The Liebster Blog Award part 2 :D
Hi guys! In my previous post, I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! :)
Well, I got nominated again! ;D This time by Jen Tea <3 Since I already nominated 11 blogs already, I thought I would still answer her questions for me so I could still participate in it. Here I go :D
11 Questions to Answer for the Blogs I Nominated.
1. What's your one favorite beauty product?
- I don't have just one favourite product... but I gotta love my Sleek Luminaire highlighter concealer! It's really good at brightening the dark circles under my eyes.
2. Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
- Manila, Philippines! I was born there and it's always amazing when I go back. If not, America would be nice too. Cali maybe? ;D
3. Who do you love to watch on Youtube?
- I do watch a few beauty gurus on youtube but BubzBeauty and Beautycrush are my absolute favourites :)
4. What makeup look do you prefer? Natural or Smoky/Dramatic/Colorful?
- Natural ;D but when I'm going out for dinner or something, I do love the smoky eyes look.
5. What movie are you looking forward to?
- I wanna watch skyfall and funsize! :)
6. What's your favorite holiday?
- Christmas ;D
7. What's your favorite book? Why?
- Eat, Pray, Love is high on my list. So is the hunger games trilogy <3
8. What color would you ever want to dye your hair?
- I wanna dye my hair red again. Or a dark blonde colour. Hmmm sooon :)
9. Have you ever visited New York City?
- Nope ;( One day.
10. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
- Buy a nice house. Finally open up my own cafe or bakery. :)
11. If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be?
- Aaah I actually don't know ;| Maybe Phoebe from Friends. She is weird as hell but she's so funny and she doesn't care about what anyone else thinks.
Great questions Jen Tea! <3 I'm off to bed now, got an early start tomorrow. Good night lovely people!
- andreadxo
Saturday, 27 October 2012
The Liebster Blog Award!
I have been nominated by Pinay Ramblings! Thank you so much :)
The Liebster Blog Award is for blogs with 200 or less followers, a fun way to help spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers!
When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person(s) who nominated you. You pass the Award onto 11 other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions. You’re not allowed to nominate the blog(s) who nominated you.
Okay so here's the 11 facts about me:
1. I am currently interning as an Online Advertising Operations Assistant.
2. My favourite TV show will forever be Friends.
3. My dream is to open my own cafe or bakery one day.
4. My shoe size is a UK 5.
5. I'm obsessed with everything hello kitty.
6. I taught myself how to swim.
7. My birthday is on the 30 March.
8. I was born in Manila, Philippines.
9. I love baking cupcakes.
10. I can never watch films by myself.
11. I am a crybaby.
11 Questions that pinayramblings asked me :)
1. What three adjectives best describe you?
short. sweet. simple.
2. If you were a police officer for one day what would you do with the authority?
Arrest all the hoodrats that cause trouble out in public!
3. What made you start a blog?
I have always been into blogging and started out from different platforms when I was younger such as Xanga and Myspace. (aaah memories!) But now I have grown up and I've become more mature and my interests and passion has evolved, I decided to start again from scratch :)
4. What do you like to blog about most of the time?
Most times it's purchases I have made, such as make-up, clothing or shoes, also about outfits or hairstyles but from time to time I will blog about my personal life too.
5. What do you know how to say in a foreign language?
Mahal kita :)
6. What was the last book you read?
Mockingjay from The Hunger Games trilogy.
7. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
I genuinely can't think of anything. I love food too much and if I ever do taste anything disgusting, I usually just forget about it by eating other yummy stuff to counteract it :P
8. When was a magical moment in your life?
Probably when I graduated university. It was just an amazing feeling. I was very proud of myself and I could tell and feel how proud everyone else was because of me especially my parents.
9. What do you think of the movie Twilight?
Not gonna lie, I was a big fan of the books! And I even went to the premiere of the first Twilight film :) It's not really the greatest film trilogy, but you can't NOT watch. It's like a guilty pleasure I
10. What was the last thing that you lost and later found?
Hmm. Probably some clothing items. I always tend to lose them in the wash or in my wardrobe but then I'll eventually find them. Usually when I don't need them and when I stop looking for them. Weird.
11. What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?
treatment? i dont know. retail therapy? haha.
My 11 Nominees
1. http://www.kel--belle.blogspot.co.uk
2. http://sophierosebeautyblog.blogspot.co.uk
3. http://princessnight1991.blogspot.co.uk
4. http://rebeccalouisegould.blogspot.co.uk
5. http://anansays.blogspot.co.uk
6. http://missshifap.blogspot.co.uk
7. http://missjhoang.blogspot.co.uk
8. http://pandaleboss.blogspot.co.uk
9. http://kreamiblush.blogspot.co.uk
10. http://chanbodia.blogspot.co.uk
11. http://holleeberry.blogspot.co.uk
And here are 11 questions for the Blogs I nominated!
1. Who is the most famous person you've ever met?
2. Do you believe in ghosts?
3. What was your last dream about?
4. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?
5. Do you have any hidden talents?
6. Would you rather go out with someone who is 10 years younger or older than you?
7. Have you ever been friendzoned or put someone in the friendzone?
8. If there was no internet, what would you be doing right now?
9. Describe your personality in three words.
10. Can you cook?
11. What was your favourite cartoon as a child?
This was a lot of fun! Hope you guys enjoy it and know more about me :)
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Messy bun.
My hair is in that weird phase where it's not short anymore but it's not exactly long either. My fringe has also grown out now but I haven't had the chance to get it trimmed yet. Because of this, I always want my hair to be out of the way and just for it to be always tied up.
My solution? A messy bun! I absolutely love it. It takes me less than 5 minutes to do and it's a great simple yet girly look. I always just opt for a simple black hair band but you can easily accessorize it with pretty ribbons. :)
Have a great Thursday everyone :)
- andreadxo
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Weekly haul.
L-R: True Mary Jane Pump in Navy Blue, Look Chain Ballerina in Nude Patent, Macaroon Pump Leopard Micro Studs.
How cute are these new flats that I ordered online from office? I'm completely in love with them. They were on sale so I knew I had to get them. Delivery was super quick too! They said it'll take about 7 days but I got them in 3 days I think :)
I love all of them but I think my favourite one is the leopard micro studs. Leopard and studs together? SUPER HOT! The navy blue pumps are more for casual lazy day looks and I know I'll wear the nudes mostly for when I go in the office which will go great with most of my favourite office outfits.
I'm in love with shoes. You can never have too many pairs! Next on my list: New Uggs for the winter, leather boots, white leather vans and hunter wellies! Payday needs to come soon :P
Here are the other stuff I bought this week.
Models Own Make-Up brush set. Includes Powder brush, lip liner brush, shading brush, angled brush and blending brush.
Maybelline's Dream terra sun bronzing powder in 03S Tiger.
Maybelline's Dream fresh BB cream in medium.
I just HAD to buy the brush set. I absolutely love the neon colour and the tip of the brushes and I know this will just make doing my make-up more fun especially now it's all dark and depressing in the winter :) Haven't used the bb cream or the bronzing powder yet so will definitely do a review for it when I do. Enjoy the rest of the weekend for me :) I've been working all day today and I'll be working again tomorrow as I do every weekend! Blog again soon! -andreadxo -andreadxo
bb cream,
navy blue,
nude patent,
Twisted Updo.
Hi everyone! This is a twisted updo inspired by Bubzbeauty's "3 Min Twisted Updo" on youtube. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf-gRNE0uDs). I always do this side plait with my fringe so it was fairly easy to follow. I just had a bit of trouble twisting the two plaits together so it looks a bit messy. Other than that, I think it's a cute hairstyle which looks very classy, yet simple. It kinda reminds me of Princess Leia from Star Wars though don't you think? =P I'll definitely wear this hair style again though as it makes me feel super girly :) Check out bubzbeauty here: www.bubzbeauty.com She's one of my favourite beauty gurus on youtube! <3
princess leia,
twisted updo,
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
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Leather Jacket: Miss Selfridge. Top: Mango. Jeggings: Vero Moda. Tote Bag: Longchamp Brogue shoes: Peacocks. |
I love that I can get to dress up every time for my internship. Though there isn't really a dress code, I do make an effort. Some days when I'm not really that bothered I just wear smart/casual clothes, like matching a pair of jeggings with a smart top. Other days I want to look really smart and wear a pencil skirt or a smart dress. It just depends on how I'm feeling I guess.
p.s. I am so so so happy that my hair is finally growing! Though I miss having a bob, I will probably never cut it that short again :)
Monday, 15 October 2012
Dress worn for my graduation celebration dinner.
It's by True Decadence and I bought it from Oasis for £69.99, UK size 8.
I love the sequin finish to it and its super sparkly! It did get a bit itchy for my arms though after awhile because of all the sequins, but other than that I absolutely love this dress. It's very elegant and classy and it definitely made me stand out and shine :)
It's by True Decadence and I bought it from Oasis for £69.99, UK size 8.
I love the sequin finish to it and its super sparkly! It did get a bit itchy for my arms though after awhile because of all the sequins, but other than that I absolutely love this dress. It's very elegant and classy and it definitely made me stand out and shine :)
sequin dress,
true decadence
Cassey Ho of Blogilates :)
I met Cassey Ho on 2nd August 2012 when she was here in London to cover the 2012 Olympics for Youtube :)
I've been following Cassey Ho of blogilates for a couple of months now. For those of you who really know me, you would know i have some obsession with working out. I've tried pretty much everything but there's something special about Cassey that really inspires and motivates me :) i was so pumped when i found out that she was coming here to London for the Olympics. I knew I had to meet her. She or
I met Cassey Ho on 2nd August 2012 when she was here in London to cover the 2012 Olympics for Youtube :)
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I couldn't stop smiling when I spotted her in front of Buckingham Palace after walking around for about 15minutes! Amazeballs! |
ganized a popster meet up during the weekend but sadly I couldn't go because of work. I was pretty sad. But I saw on instagram that she was in Buckingham palace about to film a new workout for us. Like the true stalker that i am (lol jk), I made my way down :) I walked around for awhile and ahhh i found her! :) Only a true popster like Cassey Ho would work out in front of Buckingham Palace and in front of many people in booty shorts! That's what I call confidence! And she's one of the nicest people I've ever met! She's a true motivation for me, not just for working out but for life in general. She has this positive vibe that just seems to radiate off her and it's just amazing.
She even uploaded our picture together on her instragram! And she also remembered my name! I was just over the moon.
Check out the video that she was filming that day I met her. Trust me, it kills! :D Meeting her in person is definitely one of my highlights in 2012 :) Super sad that I didn't get to go to the meet up along with other popsters and do her live class, but it's okay. I'm still happy! <3
Neglected blog.... Ooooops.
I am not impressed with myself for neglecting this blog! I have just been so busy lately that I haven't had time to really sit down and concentrate on this. What's keeping me busy the most? My internship and my weekend job! :) I am very tired, but I am enjoying what I do so I can't complain.
Anyways, more about my internship. I'm currently interning as an Online Advertising Operations Assistant at base79 (www.base79.com) and I am loving every minute of it! Having my own desk, learning so many things about ad ops, setting up online campaigns on my own, learning about content managing on youtube... I'm certainly learning a lot! I've been there for nearly two months now and it's just been so amazing. I've been really blessed and lucky. I don't know what will happen after my internship ends, but I'm just so thankful for this wonderful opportunity. I'm certainly taking everything that I'm learning on board and will definitely put it to good use for my career and my future.
What else has happened? Well, I have had my graduation ceremony! Finally :) It was an amazing day. Totally proud of myself. It was so nice seeing my classmates too and just catching up with everyone. My parents enjoyed themselves too and are super proud of me. After my graduation ceremony, I had a celebration dinner with family and some closest friends :)
And I guess that's the end of my uni life over and the start of being a grown up :) Though I would love to do a masters one day. Once I figure out what I really want to do with my life. I'm in that phase where I'm really unsure and I'm still trying to figure out where I really want to be. But I've learned not to stress out too much about it. I'm just going to keep working hard and see where it would take me. Right now I'm just enjoying what I'm doing and learning so many new things and I am most certainly growing up. :)
Andreadxo <3
Anyways, more about my internship. I'm currently interning as an Online Advertising Operations Assistant at base79 (www.base79.com) and I am loving every minute of it! Having my own desk, learning so many things about ad ops, setting up online campaigns on my own, learning about content managing on youtube... I'm certainly learning a lot! I've been there for nearly two months now and it's just been so amazing. I've been really blessed and lucky. I don't know what will happen after my internship ends, but I'm just so thankful for this wonderful opportunity. I'm certainly taking everything that I'm learning on board and will definitely put it to good use for my career and my future.
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Just another day at the office :) I absolutely love this dress. And you'll never believe where I got it from. Primark! Yes that's right, Primark! |
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Graduation day :) |
Andreadxo <3
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